• Available Puppies – Updated 11-1-24


    Please e-mail me directly at minimacpup@yahoo.com and I will answer you or give me a call or text at 319-461-5887! If e-mailing, include your phone number, so I can give you a call. Sorry for this inconvenience. ********************************************************************************

    Libby and Barkley had puppies on June 7th! They have all found homes!

    MiniMac Barkley

    Green collared b/s male He is wide!
    Limited AKC Registration
    I am going to California! A MiniMac family that already has 4 of mine is getting another for a family member! They are flying with me to CA!!

    Red collared dark s/p male
    Limited AKC Registration
    I am heading to Omaha!!